you might wonder what this cryptic collection of random pictures is about..but..they arent random..they actually tell the story of my monday....since a few days i have a voice chord infection..which isnt that horrible dramatic as it sounds like...BUT..i m limited to 20 sentences a day...unless i wanna harm or loose my voice ..well..you guys dont know my voice..but i do..and i like to keep it...which is a bit hard..it took me already about 50 sentences to explain my dr that i can not live on 20 sentences a day...and today when i crawled out of my cave my cousin looked and said: shut up..you already talked yesterday for 4 days...
so..i had to go out into the city today....where a random lil fat child asked me if i can breakdance....breakdance..me! do i look like if i can breakdance!! i can break your legs i growled with my almost non existend voice...what did you sayyy? the kid looked with a blank expression..what did you say? i can not heeeear you
on i went.....and when i thought it couldnt get any worse...i passeda drunken, homeless man..who was wearung a santa hat...and he waved with his penis at me..like if it was a flagg....while he was peeing!
and you wonder why i dont like mondays???
Holy cow! What a crazy day.
You know Maya Angelo went through a silent period and while I'm not sure it was intentional, she said she learned a whole lot that way... However, it is seriously impractical.
Hope you are better soon. I LOVE the music you put up. I just listened. It's so smokey jazz clubby. Yum!
Ms. Fleur, Maya was struck dumb after a horrible experience. It took her years to regain her voice. It wasn't intentional. But boy, when she found that voice again- WHOA!
And Danielle- you'll find your voice again and I am so glad that you have found your blog voice. We love you and your crazy Mondays.
You need a note pad and a pen, hon. It can be a big notepad...
Ahem. Maybe you SHOULD learn to breakdance, and then you can communicate through the medium of dance and not worry about stressing your voice any more ;)
@ pf..yeah very impractical...and annoying..and its unbelievable how even easist things get complicated when you can not speak..well..i can..but i m not allowed to..which makes it double hard:-(
@ mary
yeah..wasnt it after her rapist was killed and she felt responsible because a man had to die because of what she had said..and then decided not to speak for years?
god knows i love maya angelou big time...i m grown up with her writing..her prose and poetry...such a great woman
and i m happy too that i m back to blogland...:-)
yeah jo..i m off now to learn how to dance my name...can you hand me a stick and a silk scarf please ^^
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