ah..i m so..dead today...which is maybe because today was planned that there will be an erotic photoshoot with my pin up artist friends renata and nussito...two sexy ladies in 30ies hairdos and sinfull make up to make put in front of my cam...but...fate had different plans...yesterday was meant to be a quiet nice saturday afternoon at casa de santiago...mini-santiago had invitet my cousin nina to have dinner with my cousin dirk and me...i cooked, we drank & we talked and laughted..while i made the dressing for the salad mini told me he dont feel so good..not feeling good turned into i have to lay down..which turned into my belly hurts which turned into i hav eto cry because i feel so misserable...okay..sick kid...adults who had drank wine..so off we went with the taxi to see the childrens dr..who was not sure if he was sure or not if mini has trouble with his appendix...so we drove with the taxi to the nearest hospital...where they told us they dont have a childrens section..so up into the taxi again and on to the next hospital..where i was faced with..well..dr´s..assistant dr..freshmen.."i m a dr but i dont really know yet what i do"-types of dr...i mean..okay..they have to lkearn and to practice,..but as sure as fuck not on my kid...so we went throught that..through teh waiting..through the tests...just to hear the result was: we are not sur eif its appendix or not..so mini had to stay overnight..which menat i got again intothe teaxi..drove home..got minis stuff together..back to the hospital back home..at 2 in the morning i finally was in bed..unable to sleep for a while more...when i woke up i felt like "uahhhh hell what truck did hit me?"...so..on to drive back with dirkl to the hospital..where we were told mini ha stos tay another day due to the fact they are still not sure..its one of the best hospitals in europe...rich people travel here to get their tretament in that hospital..which the kids and me secretly call "the factory of death"...and they cant find out if minis appendix has to get out or not???..dont get me wrong..i m happy the ydont just cut him open but want to make more tests and all before that...but i hate my son to be in the hospital and i hate the situation...
then i spoke with mini-santiago2 today and his mom told me she is happy when he will be back at my house during easter vacation since he is a bit of abugger recently and she seriously needs a break from him...not so great..but i happy to have him here again so the minis can be together....
so...when i came home from the hospital a few hours ago i just had cold left overs from yesterday and felt into bed like dead..´just to woke up again becaus eteh phone ringed...and now i m all awake an di know i will not get back to sleep..which means i ll be a mess tomorrow again...what should i say? daddy wants:

The worst is when the children are sick. What is his white blood-cell-count? Is it elevated? Is he running a fever? I am sure they have checked all of these things. Sometimes they just don't know and then...the child gets better and one day in the far future someone says, "Do you remember when we had to take you to a doctor and two hospitals....?"
Let us know how he does. We are thinking of you both.
Can Daddy have just one? Because he deserves it...
Fix the sleeping thing, D. Finding people who can help you fix it IS doing it yourself.
PS: Can we change Dirk's name to Dirkl?
So sorry bout the Mini. We just went through with something similar with Harley... We thought he might be suffering appendicitis also. It is frustrating and heartbreaking and exhausting. Poor Mini!!! Poor you!! sigh.
Sending healing love, prayers and thoughts from across the pond.
Take it easy,
That is not the fun kind of adventure. Jo is right, you do need sleep, but what a good Papa you are! How is the little man today?
Very scary. It's awful when they just can't figure out what's wrong. Same happened with my little girl for months -- why she was failure to thrive and not pooing.
I hope he is ok and gets better soon so he can go home. Hospitals are terrible. I am sending him my healthy gene vibes right now!
Good wishes to you and mini-santiago. It's horrible when kids are sick. At least he has the best care over there.
Hope all is well soon!
Big hugs and health and healing to Mini-Santiago.
@ ms moon
yes..its the worst...but now its all good again..:-)
@ jo
i know i know..sleep..i ....i know!
@ petit fleur
thank you! i hope harley is allready better
@ may
thank you a lot..i do what i can..and yes he is allready better..:-)
@ geeks
yes..you wrote baout that..but pea is better now too right?
@ mwa
thats the only solace i have had in that moment...:-)
@ jeremy
thank you for your words jeremy...and yes the littleman ios already better..:-)
@ emerald
aw..thank you..:-))))
So sorry to hear this woe.
I made you fudge!
oh yum! @ janine
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