welcome into my house come alone and follow me...
..throw your coats and handbags..and your underwear of course..on my bed and make yourself feel like home...it isnt one of "those" parties...no superintellectual talk while i say something like "i can taste green and..er* white bread in my wine"...no no no..its the finale of the Spicy Sunday Blog Tour and its all about having fun..laughing and eating...take a seat..feel comfortable while i see what i got for you...
but before we start the fun...i have to say that i am so happy to have you all here (i know you come on mondays , wednessdays, fridays ect as well but today you came to party:-)...when i dived into this part of blogland i was totally flashed by all of you wonderful and inspiring people...because i knew most of you before by your stories and books and even discovered new and awsome artists here...i wanted to be part of this comunity so bad..and i wanted to stay...and you let me...when i discovered the spicy sunday blog tour i thought that it was a great idea and a lot of fun..and wished i could take part in it..which i told donna without knowing that she and marina where the awsome minds behind the tour...and donna said oh no problem..whats the spice of your choice..you can join us..and now..i am the finale...which makes me a bit afraid...what do you expect? eating sushi from the naked bodies of delicate asian girls? truffels and leaf gold served by black muscled servants...arabian belly dancers feeding you fork by fork with feasans and quails?...i hope not..because i ll serve you chutney..and oil...and vinegar..i ll post it in three chapters (plus a little contest in the end :http://desantiagospussyshack.blogspot.com/2009/08/you-are-invited-to-orgy.html) and i hope you will like what i made up for you...
..and of course you know all that i wasnt meant to be the grand finale of this wonderful tour..but even though i m so fucking happy that its me (yes above i said afraid but..i m happy-afraid) i want to think for a moment of the awsome person who was meant to be the original host for today but couldnt make it unfortunately...stay strong!
...and maybe you wanna know why i have chosen chutney...i tell you why...even though its still summer..but when you step out on your balkony really early in the morning you can smell this almost bitter arome in the air..and when you sit in the evening on your deck you notice that sundown is earlier and earlier each day..nights are getting colder...you can taste it...autumn is comming...and this is the time of the year where i start to make chutney..a few weeks where its sure that when you call me in the evening that i ll say " gosh i m tired i made 6 kilo of fig-chutney today."..the next day it will be the same the only difference is that it ll be mango-chutney or peach-chutney...another chutney every day...i do this since i was a boy of the age of 6 or 7...my favourite aunts always cooked marmelades and chutneys and i loved it when i was allowed to come into their big kitchen and help..they would tie a towel around my waist and let me stir and cream the cooking marmelades or let me help to cut the peaches into small pieces...for days and more days the house smelled like cooking sugar...with the sour sweet twinge of vinegar or the fruity fresh arome of lemons and limes..my aunts didnt spoke much..but you could feel they where happy...there was a lot of laughter in the kitchen and my aunts drank wine or homemade cherry liquor while i drank cherry or plum juice from a wine glas....since both of my aunts died i ll cook the marmelade and the chutneys..now i do it in my own kitchen..sometimes alone..sometimes with my sister jadine..this year i teached my godsons how to prepare brambleberry marmelade the way my aunts always did it..we where standing in my kitchen and marek and sebastian were stirring the cooking dark redness of the marmelade with the very same cooking spoon my aunt ikla always used...i said "not so much sugar.. aunt ikla always made sure that there is a bit of sourness in the marmelade" while i mussed up his hair..i cant discribe that moment but it gave me sting...this bitter-sweetness you feel when you miss someone and you know there is no way you ll ever meet again...i wanna meet my aunts again..talk to them, drink with them and touch their faces...thats why i cook chutneys and marmelades..thats why i prepare oils and vinegars the way they did all their lives...when my aunts died i took wooden spoons, bowls and knives from their kitchen...i went home and searched for a place for them in my own house...i have two books with their recipes for spice-mixtures, chutneys, marmelades and all the dishes and meals they liked to cook...but i havent all their recipes..sometimes when i want to cook something the way they did i close my eyes and i m a child again..i see their hands cutting the meat and puting it in the marinade..i smell the fresh grounded pepper and i remember how they let me lick the honey off of the spoon..most of their recipes i could cook by heart but still i need those books..i run my fingers over their handwriting and the stains left by all the soups and meals they cooked...one year i found a sage leaf inbetween the last pages of one of the books..one of my aunt must have put it in there years ago...sometimes jadine and i cook together...we go to buy the ingredients and stand side by side and cut all the things we bought...we dont need to speak a lot..we both think of our aunts..jadine was seven when my first aunt died and now in the age of twenty she still remembers everything...do you remeber that purple sun hat aunt ikla always wore(shit..i had confused whore and wore..thats..i m..blushing all over) in the garden?..both of us start to giggle and i pour another glas of wine for both of us...the kicthen smells like rosemary and thyme and red onions...soon the meal is done..we stand next to the oven and think about our aunts...they are alive...
so..i hope that wasnt too cheesy but i really had to tell you why i serve you chutney today...did you all brought your spoons?...okay..let ´s start...:-)