ps: the little blue and white things on the first picture are little plastic horses riding through the lovely..
you want to know how the devils mountain got its name?..okay..thats a longer story ..:-) first have a look at the pics of the devils statue and the farmers wife..okay... aachen is known for its cathedral--and when they start to build it it took years and years and it never was carl the great made a deal with the devil..the devil would finish the cathedral and as a gift the first soul, walking through the gates, would belong to the the cathedral was finished over night but carl didnt want to send a human beeing to hell..and so they catched a wolf and mad eit run through the gates..the devil was so angry that he smashed the door and went away...the next day he came back..with a huge sack/bag full of sand with which he wanted to burry aachen under sand..he could barely carry it..and he went on and on in aachens direction when he met a farmers wife..he asked her how far it still was till aachen..but the smart farmers wife recognized the devil..and so she pointet down on her broken and dirty shoes and said: see my shoes?.when i left aachen this morning the ystill where new..thats how far it is...that made the devil so upsed that he smashed the sand bag on teh cracked open and all the sand poured out..thats how the devils mountain came into beeing..i told shanna about this mountain here are some matching pictures i did during the night walk
wow, you're having such a fun summer, Danielle!
I was wondering if you knew the artist's name? My friend is doing a Phd on forests and art, and I'm sure she'd love to hear about this.
hey nikki..:-) we go..i had forgotten the artists names but i called a friend and now i m back on track..the installation is called "the horse ghosts of the lousmountain (lousmountain is the name they use for the devils mountain nowadays" an dthe artists are from swizz : gerda steiner and jörg lenzlinger...i hope that helps your friend a bit..if she needs pictures she can use the pictures i have here..can send you also some pictures of the artwork by day...
Oh, that's fantastic Danielle, thanks so much! I've sent on their details to forementioned friend.
Lovely work, actually. I'm glad I looked them up - thanks again!
i love to help when i can..:-)
tell me what your friend thinks about the artwork..:-)
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