do you have safer sex?
just the other day our friend craig had this scary er* funny safer sex clip on his blog
which brought me back to the thought of safer you have safer sex? i dont...well i do in real life..always...i m part of the generation which is grown up with condoms..i m used to use those little lifesafers..but on page..on the page i never use you?..i dont know..there is no space in my stories for condoms...i know some of you write about condoms..for example nikki does..but what about you others?
a while ago i postet something about safer sex.. which seemed uninteresting for the reading crowd...but this time i really wanna safe do you write? and should we write about condoms to be good role models?
Erobintica made a really interesting point in her coment on this post: would readers actually read our stories if all of them were safe? I remember i saw a documentary about the porn industry a while ago and there was a lot talking about that porn which does feature safer sex dont sells as much as porn which features "bare" sex...would it be the same with erotica? keep on telling me your point of view..