did u ever notice how creative minds inspire each other? its really like that..i guess thats why arty people like to stick together and why artists colonies exist..because of the continous inspiration they give each other...
so just the other day i recieved a nice thank you note from the kind and awsomely talendet neil plakcy ...he and saachi green were the first two american editors who believed in my work and were willing to put work and time into my stories to straighten them out and polish them into something printworthy...and i m obviously very thankfull to both of them because these two anthos mean a lot to me...
so neil send me that thank-you-note ( along witha copy of the e-book) because my story "sleeping in the sand" which has been published in his anthology "surferboys" has inspired him to write his new novel "dancing with the tide" setted in djerba...
i love djerba and when i went there for the first time it seemed such a magical place for me...and i m happy that neil could see that through my story...

so..to celebrate neils new book as well as the equaly good anthology i ll post you a snipped from my story " sleeping in the sand" and hope you like it...as well as picture of my wooden surfer picture breadboard :-)
play me:
“...Wow, that was good,” said Kathy and let herself fall down on the black leather next to Gaspard.
“Do you want to dance too?” Julien asked me, still standing.
“I …yeah…well…it seems like Kathy needs a break first…and…,” I stuttered and looked over at the girl on the other side of the table.
“Yes, Kathy needs a break for sure. But I don’t!” Julien laughed and stretched his hand to me. I looked at his hand with disbelief, as though I had never seen a hand before and was for a moment unable to understand what he had said. Could that be? Did he ask me for a dance?
The first notes of Lisa Hall’s “Is This Real” came out of the speakers and encouraged Julien in what he wanted to do.
“C’mon…that’s my favorite song! Why do you Americans always have to be so complicated?” Still laughing, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch and onto the dance floor.
On the way there I almost stumbled, that’s how busy I was with telling myself that this was a dream. For a moment I stood there, as if I was planted on the ground, and looked at Julien who already had started to dance. With a quick movement he kicked those flip-flops off of his feet and started to dance in little circles around me. His hands were on my shoulders and he was so close that I could smell him again…the scent of the ocean…salt…sweat…and lust?
Well, I said to myself, if this is a dream I can do what ever I want to do, and started to dance to the rhythm of the song, slowly moving my hips. Julien was behind my back and I bowed my knees a bit when he laid his hands on my hips to bring us in sync.
Silently I lip-synched the words to the song, “And I know…yes I know…but is that real?” I was sweating and I became brave enough to rub my butt against Julien’s crotch.
I was just about to turn around as Gaspard appeared. With a single movement he pushed me aside and then gave Julian a hard push, screaming in French at him. I reached out to touch Gaspard’s shoulder when he spun around and gave me a hard slap in the face. For a moment he looked as shocked as I felt...
Such drama!
I love your breadboard, and how the wood looks like sand :)
And the shadow fingers.
@ jo
totally dramatic. because what seems to be a case of jealousie isnt one..gaspard is straight and cant get along with his best friends idea of shagging a dude...
ha that breadboard is great isnt it? ah you saw my fingers..lol
Not jealousy but homophobia!! Bigger gasp! :)
I can see why the story was an inspiration. Very nice tension!
Hey Danielle,
I have had a strange day, so this is the perfect post for me!
I loved it all. And I'm sitting here in awe and gratitude for the internet that I can meet such rich people that can inspire me from across the world.
Thanks for sharing the music, your words and yourself..
Oh, and PS That man on the cover of the book? MY GOD!! He is so damn beautiful I think I actually gasped a little! Thanks for that too!
Oh my, Danielle! I think I need to read all of this.
And how lovely that you inspired another writer...
Oh, that sounds like a great story!
And bloody hell - the cover guy certainly inspires me! Why can't we have guys like that on more anthologies?!
@ craig
thank you! tension is always good i guess..:-)
@ petit fleur
i m happy too that we all get in touch and can share our creativity and inspire each other:-)
and for the cover...there is a whole diskussion on since a while...about how its all women on the covers and nearly no men..i m for equality because i think there should be mencovers for female customers delight too...
@ ms moon
thank you!
@ janine
thank you..:-)
and yes...i think there should be more covers like that..actually on anthios which are meant for to be bought by female customers..
Yay for you!!! Sounds like the kind of news that would make your week.
And I really liked the exerpt.
thank you mwa..happyu like the snippet:-)
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