Sunday, June 28, 2009

its a boy..ehr*...a bestseller i mean..:-)

forget about sunday morning sex! today i found out that there is (at least today) was a even better way to start the sunday morning , which wasnt actually too sunny but rainy & grey until i recieved an email by editor neil plakcy which read that:
In honor of Gay Pride, The Toronto Globe & Mail has a list of best-selling gay books on its website:

All the Pretty Dead Girls
John Manning

Aloha, Candy Hearts
Anthony Bidulka

Boy Crazy: Coming Out Erotica
Richard Labonte
Cleis Press

Death in Key West
Jeffrey Round

False Colors: An M/M Romance
Alex Beecroft
Running Press

Relative Stranger
Stewart Lewis

Only the Lonely
Gary Zebrun

Between Men 2: Original Fiction by Today's Best Gay Writers
Richard Canning

Surfer Boys: Gay Erotic Stories
Neil Plakcy
Cleis Press

Daddies: Gay Erotic Stories
Richard Labonte
Cleis Press

we are number nine in canada...thats awsome..:-) ..from rainy & grey to sunny & gay within 1 minute..:-)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

finally it seems like sommer, pardon, summer has come..the days are sunny and hot..actually way to hot for i love to search the markets for nice things which get along with the veggies, spices and herb i grow in the today i found a lot stuff to make the perfect hot day lunch..a salad..okay..salad dont sounds too exiting but i just made a wild mixture of red lollo rosso salad, rucola / rocket salad and added a handfull of small prawns...fresh figgs, garden raspberries, some greek cheese which i crumbled into the dressing i made of rasberry vinegar,lime juice, grape seed oil (it has the perfect fruity taste to get along with the fruits in the salad), some dijon moustart, sea salt, fresh groundet pepper and some lime peel ..which i mixed all while i dried cherry tomatos in the oven ..broke a pommegranate open to add his seeds into the salad bowl and mixed it all together with a few fresh cocktail a little bowl of overnight marinated duck carpacio with caper apples..not sure if that their name in english..but they are delicious matter what their name its hot there where you know what to have today....

ps: usually i dont tend to freeze my table silver..but i thought it might be a cool picture to say its a "the kitchen stays cold today" day

pps: do i sound like martha stewad on crack????

Friday, June 26, 2009

tonight is one of those hot and humid summer nights which always remind me of the time i spend down in louisianna..the bayou state. i used to travel a lot to the states..always to miami, atlanta, charlston, baton rouge, lake charles and new orleans of course..down to the dirty south..i remeber when i went there the first time..i arrived at 3 in the morning..tired from a flight which had lastet for 9 hours or so...but when i went out into the night..what can i say..the first time my foot touched louisianna ground i was in love with it....i came back ..again and again...and here in europe..we rarely have those nights...its hot and you know the thunderstorm is can taste the electricy in the stroll listen to the city below your window...drink direkt from the bottle..sweat runs and your skin is hungry..your fingers are hungry...i think of the lights of the city as they disapered behind me that night..the night when i went out of town to an adress which was scribbled on a crumbled-up piece of paper...the first two cabs didnt want to bring me there...i dont drive there , mister cabdriver better wouldnt too , he added with a strange look up and down me....i rember the dark trees on both sides of the streets..blues on the radio...plastic roses and old postcards glued in the edges of the windows...i remeber the things i was asked to and dry underneath my sweaty fingertips...i could taste the swamp ..the bayou..on my tongue...the humid air made my jewfro how my friends called it when they teased me..curl up...and sweat left traces of salt along my neck and my chest...the thunderstorm was coming...its one of those nights again...i remember because i have been there...its such a night where anything can you as well

Thursday, June 25, 2009

you are sticky and sweet, colored black, dont look back and i love you

during the last years it has become chic to use crema di balsamico on almost everything for example on..uhm..anything...i m not a big fan of "trends" and "chic" but i like this crema too ..just in a more modest for salads or for example desserts...and a while ago i even found out how to make that sticky sweet stuff at home..which is even a better reason to poor it over anything in your if you are a friend of food in general and italian in special..well..cook your own crema di balsamico..its really not a big deal but totaly tasty...

caramelize 2 eating spoons of white sugar in a pot..erase it with about 150 ml aceto balsamico vinegar and add then 150 ml port wine as well as 150 ml deep dark and fruity red wine...whisk it all slowly and thoughtfully while you whistle "thats amoreeeee" and reduce the mixture on middle heat for about 50 minutes until the creme becomes a tasty and sticky syrup like texture...well done...i m sure out there are some people who like it sticky and sweet things..:-)

once upon a time there were 3 little girls who went to the police academy..

one of them beauties were jill munroe aka farah fawcett...charlys angels re runs were a important part of my child hood..damned how i liked these tough cool and..well sexy! ladies...

today, at the age of 62 farah fawcett died of cancer in los angeles-her longtime partner ryan o'neal was at her side throughout her final days......she never made it to "real" hollywood fame..but to me she was always mighty mighty cool...look at that picture of her..the lady total rocks that board....she still does...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

small vers. tall

today my friend kael asked me how i would discribe him..

hm, i said, small, muskular, shy at first, charming at times, and def. smart

he: i m not small...i am ....average!

me:..well..i m 6, 2 and you are 5,8....

he: just because you are tall that dont means i m small...i m average...5,7..thats small!

Monday, June 22, 2009

alice in wonderland

alice in wonderland has always been my favourite book..especially when i was a child and my mother read it to me..maybe because she never made me believe that it was a book for children..its a weired and wild ride through drug abuse, alcoholism , hallucination..its about running away and finding yourself..about domination and submission..when i was a child i thought its about me..that points a bad light on my childhood i guess but what can i do..anyway...tim burton films recently
his own version of alice in wonderland and judging by the first look on it it will be awsome...with a cast like h bonham carter, johnny depp and anne hathaway and many more it must be another genius piece of burtons work...with the typical burton look mais oui..dark yet colorfull costumes..the typical burtonesque victorian style...and with johnny depp as the mad hatter..i m sure he has not much to act and play to appear mad..he is just made for roles like that..really cant wait to see*..2010

i need a muse... wants to kiss me...

only a few weeks left for me to write short fiction until i start to focus on my novel only...i tried really hard to write on my novel and to work on short fiction aside that..but..somehow the plot ..or rather say the atmosphere of the short stories i was working on always oozed into my novel i decided to stop writing short fiction for a while and concentrate on my book..which is pretty hard for me since i love LOVE writing short stories..well..maybe i ll write short fiction on the weekend..just for relax myself and...anyway,,,right now i m working on a piece which is dark..moist...extreme...and there is a character..not reallxy developed yet...and i seek him or her inside me..on the nightly voices under my window..between the pages of certain books..the images ...and on the ground of my favourite drinks bottle..but it do you come and kiss i can breathe life inside you?

smut chicken..chicken for smut?

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

kindermund ...

neulich telefonierte ich mit einer guten freundin..nennen wir sie doch einfach ..dina..nein besser nicht dína...denn das klingt fast wie ihr echter name...also..dora..dora und ich telefonierten als ich plötzlich im hintergrund hörte wie ihr 7 jähriger sohn justin fragte ob er denn ein christliches kind wäre obwohl er nicht getauft sei...woraufhin ich unter dem vorwand die moral des kindes zu festigen von dora verlangte mir kurz justin ans telefon zu holen..


justin: ja?

ich: alsoooo..du bist ganz und gar kein christliches kind wenn du nicht getauft ehrlich zu sein kannst du nicht mal in die kirche gehen denn sobald du die kirche betrittst zerfällst du zu staub ..und selbst wenn du das überlebst werden deine ohren zu bluten beginnen und deine zunge abfaulen sobald du irgendeines der wundersamen worte hörst und wiederholst die dort gesprochen werden...und..moment..justin?..kennst du hexen?

justin: hmmmmja????!!!???

ich: also...hexen..hexen fangen ungetaufte kinder und kochen aus ihrem fett eine flugsalbe und...sag mal du kennst doch nivea?


ich: okay..als hexen kochen aus ungetauften kindern sowas wie nivea ..aber zum fliegen und..

justin(ganz aufgeregt): weißt du was..ich hab aus leuchtstäbchen einen kreis gemacht und da springt meine babykatze durch und...

ich: justin??..gib mir doch mal wieder die mama..

im hintergrund:

dora: was hat danielle gesagt?

justin: hmm..weiß nicht...hab ich nicht verstanden..irgendwas mit eidechsen!

oh mann...

hm..heute war echt nicht mein tag..zuerst war ich im supermarkt um kirschen zu kaufen...ich wollte gerade eine große handvoll in eine tüte füllen und bemerkte leider, zu spät, das die tüte ein loch hatte...also..was blieb mir anderes übrig als die kirschen aufzuheben?..okay..ich hätte weggehen können..aber..was weiß ich..ich kniete mich also hin und sammelte genervt kernobst ein als eine dame mit einem schrei (stop..nicht bewegen!) auf mich zurannte...irrirtiert hielt ich inne bis die frau sich neben mnir aufbaute und mit einem blick auf mich nieder sagte:die chance musste ich einfach nutzen..neben einem mann zu stehen der mir zu füßen kniet...

später rief mich eine bekannte an...ob ich kurz bei ihr cat sitten könne..ihre erst wenige wochen alte katze solle nicht alleine zuhause sein und sie müsse kurz zum doc um einen trippertest (das hast du nun davon das du mich mich mit dem monster alleine gelassen hast) zu machen ( zum glück ist madame nicht SO eine FREUNDIN von mir)...widerwillig sagte ich zu und saß schon kurz darauf auf einem sofa mit namen björnskuma und starrte gedanken verloren auf ein kleines graues fellknäuel das vor mir über den teppich rutschte...das war eig. ganz niedlich bis zu dem moment als das kleine vieh plötzlich auslief...entsetzt suchte ich im schrank unter der waschbecken nach einem handtuch oder ähnlichem und fand leider, total handtuchunähnlich, eine geradezu obzöne menge an gleitmittel und einen dermaßen monströsen gummi-schwanz das selbst ich , ich der tagtäglich über sex schreibt, ein wneig verlegen wurde ....

ich habe ihr dann eine kleine, freche nachricht an den gummiknüppel geheftet..mal sehen wie lange es dauert bis sie sie findet..:-)

girl crazy review

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you dont understand me...

ha...gestern fragte mich eine eifrige (und an dieser stelle geherzte) leserin meines blogs ob ich denn jetzt nur noch auf englisch schreiben werde..die antwort ist..nein..nicht kann sein das es jetzt öfter vorkommt da meine englisch-sprachigen posts an meine neuen leser und kontakte in dne usa richten...aber abseits davon wird hier weiter auf deutsch gebloggt

aber denkt immer daran: zweisprachige schizos hören doppelt soviele stimmen!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

happy birthday

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

kritiken und andere platzwunden

kritiker tun das was sie können..nämlich kritisieren...und normalerweise gebe ich keine 5 cent für kritiken...was eine eiskalte lüge ist...denn auch wenn sie mich kalt es trotzdem so als hätte gerade jemand versucht mich zu erschießen...auch wenn die kugel nicht trifft..sauer bin ich dann trotzdem..:-)

um so schöner ist es wenn man gute kritiken bekommt...wie heute...da gab es eine tolle kritik für surfer boys ( ) die ich mir mit ein paar sehr sehr talentierten autoren teilen darf:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

traces of green.....

inspired by a post at the wonderfull and talented kirsten monroes (aka gina marie) blog ( visit her at ) who posted a few stunning pictures from her garden ( at least i think its her garden, maybe its the woods) i had to have a look at my own piece of green and thought i share it with you...the first strawberries, dragon flies, cats, leaves, blossoms..and belle dame sans merci...