its official.. since today i m the cats meow aka alley cat magazines new sex columnist. which was meant to be a one night stand, or better say a one night colum, now turns into a serious relationship since alley cat really likes my work as much as i love their magazin..and so from the october issue on i ll be a regular between their pages...you might dont know it but i wrote a popular column for about two years called glamoudrama and which i stopped writing about 2,5 years ago...i recently spoke to donna about how i miss this kind of writing and now i m back and the column keeps even its old name..so lets pop the champagne and celebrate!
alley cat is germanys first erotica magazin for women...its glossy and sexy, a 100 sexy pages strong quaterly magazin full of hot images, sultry editorials, sextips and sextoy reviews...all aimed to make the women accept and love theirself and to explore what makes them happy...if you wanna know more about the smart cats behind this stunning magazin check their..no..OUR!..home page at www.alley-cat.de
my colum, entitled "boys vs. girls or why the genders still live on seperatet planets", will be in the next issue and hit the stores end of october

Pour me a glass of the bubbly, Danielle! I'm so glad you have a new gig and continue to promote the cause of smart, sexy writing. Could you translate some of your observations for us? Just the juiciest bits?
thank you donna.:-) of course..i ll gladly translate a snippet from each new issues column..:-)
Yes, I'll take a glass of the bubbly too, Danielle.
I love the cover and boy, what a great name for a magazine!
Good for you.
@ neve
thank you :-)
isnt it a great name? its so naughty and dirty but also so elegant and delicate?
Congratulations, D!
hey marina..:-) thank you..:-)
Congratulations Danielle! How fun!
@ robin
thank you..and yes it will be lots of fun to work with the smart heads behind alley cat magazine..cant wait to have the new issue in my hands...:-)
This is awesome news, D. Congratulations! XXOO A
@ alana..thank you..i m glad you hopped over..:-)
Ooooo,congrats! I wish I could read German!
thx elise..:-)
i wish i could read german either!!!
OMG, it's Dannielle and the City! You're Carrie!
Sad it's in German! Dammit!
@ jo
a bit..is it?..hehe*
i think i ll transalte a snipped from each issue here for you :-)
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