Thursday, July 30, 2009

not much laptopping but lots of fun..

ha you might noticed that i didnt wrote/post as much as i do normaly which is due to the fact that i dont see my laptop that much either..most of the time is dedicated now to my godsons who spend their summer break with me and their other godfather(who is my cousin dirk who is also my best friend in teh whole you can imagine how much fun we all have)...its all about the four of us.."girls" are not we spend our days with minigolfing, amusment parks, summer bobs, zoos, climbing, hiking, cooking (i bought a kids cookbook a while ago and both of the boys love cooking ), we go swimming, visit museums and exibitions, skateparks, theme parks and much more...soon we drive over to the dutch coast/sea for a day ...

our first day we spend almost complete in a corn field labyrinth...where we searched for stamps and letters which we had to form into a code word in the end...
i m not sure if we win anything with that but the boys had so much fun..and me too..:-)


Emerald said...

It sounds lovely, and how beautiful that your godsons have such a caring and attentive figure in their lives as yourself!

I grew up in the Midwest United States where there was much corn/cornfields around. :)

Marina said...

Wow - that sound like so much fun, for the kids and for you! You've taken them so many places! Emerald's right - they're lucky to have you!

Nikki Magennis said...

A corn field labyrinth??!!! NO WAY! That sounds ace. All of it. Have a lovely time in Holland!

Danielle said...

@ emerald (somehow i always feelt seduced to write just em :-) & marina..yes we have a lot fun... its like i m a kid again myself since both of them little men drag me on every climbable and ridable thing in the end its me who is lucky to have them..:-)

@ nikki
yes a whole and huge cornfield turned into a labyrinth..i added two more of the letters we had to surch in the lab..and one is a picture from the corn field magazine..its a bit blurry..but you can see its huge..the green spot in the middle is a huge you can tell how big that thing is..:-)

thank you all for stoping..i m glad you follow my little summer break adventures..i ll post some more about the second day tonight since i have tons of pictures already..:-)

Donna said...

It sounds just wonderful, Danielle! I'm dying to know what you boys are cooking up!

Danielle said...

donna..for sure i ll post pictures of what they will cook..i mean that book is really great..marek already cooked with it during easter holydays and if our oven would have bin smaller he could do the whole cooking alone..:-)

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